My sister and I, some years ago, saw an online personality test. I don't remember anything about it anymore, except for one question: If you were in Heaven waiting to be born, and were asked to pick a life, what kind of life would you pick?
The choices were, a life full of challenges, a peaceful contented life, and others. My sister went for the peaceful, contented one. I picked the "life full of challenges." I was sort of surprised. Don't I want a peaceful, contented life, too? Well, I do, yeah, as much as everyone else does. But my answer remains the same.
Maybe, back before I was born, I was asked that question for real. And surely I'd have answered the same: even more readily, perhaps, because I didn't know what life was like yet. And so when troubles come along, I'd inevitably think, Well, I wanted this.
New things, new places, and new obstacles. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger; when the going gets tough... yeah, all that. A flaming ring is a flaming ring. But the lion who's jumped through it, and is now roaring in triumph, is definitely not the same lion she was before she leaped.
This world, this life, this storm... this is war! And we brandish our weapons and we conquer and we sing and eat and yell at the skies and love. The Powerpuff Girls weren't born because of Chemical X. They were born with their ultrasuperpowers to kick all the enemies' asses. And Superman fell to Earth for the same reason (though, you know, I've thought the villains come to Smallville because he's there).
What dragons were you born to vanquish?
Where the dragons come roaring, heroes are born.
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